
Dongfang Jingjin College

In November 2019, we established Dongfang Jingjin College. It is a milestone decision made by DFE after entering a new period of strategic development. In the era of the knowledge economy, the most important assets of an enterprise are knowledge assets rather than plant buildings and equipment. Employees with knowledge are the most precious resources of an enterprise. As an important corporate strategic platform in the era of the knowledge economy, the corporate university shoulders the important responsibility of providing knowledge service, sharing knowledge and creating knowledge. It is committed to becoming a promoter of the enhancement strategy, a cultivator of various talents and a corporate knowledge manager, playing its role in maintaining the sustained and rapid development of DFE in the next strategic period.

蒙山县| 杨浦区| 九江县| 宁安市| 阿图什市| 察哈| 平顺县| 洞头县| 共和县| 南和县| 长泰县| 哈尔滨市| 浦县| 榆林市| 武邑县| 徐州市| 阿坝| 平舆县| 丹江口市| 增城市| 合江县| 如东县| 那曲县| 邵阳县| 静宁县| 白银市| 清镇市| 墨竹工卡县| 唐山市| 万宁市| 汉源县| 东宁县| 毕节市| 监利县| 黑水县| 诸暨市| 房产| 黔西县| 英吉沙县| 蓬溪县| 逊克县|